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Speaking engagements and news 2023

On Friday, August 11, 2023, Bryan and I shared our story with the Creative writing group at this amazing peer-run recovery center. They offered very positive feedback and support for our journey.
You can learn more about this recovery center in Bangor, Maine, and its events and groups/programs here.
Past Media coverage
“Mom, When They Look at Me, They See Dollar Signs”
How rehab recruiters are luring recovering opioid addicts into a deadly cycle.
This journalist wrote an amazing article that highlights the unsavory side of addiction treatment. She and I spoke on a few occasions and you can read about things like "The Florida Shuffle", which Bryan was a part of, unbeknownst to us for some time.
Read the Mother Jones article HERE.
Over the years, Karen and her husband, Stephen, have raised money and put in effort to support recovery, addiction, and overdose awareness, and they have done that in a variety of ways. Below are links to 2 of those efforts and events. One of the ways is bike riding events and hiking for overdose awareness. Local coverage is found below:
400 Mile cycle for addiction awareness
EVENTS - past and upcoming
Instagram page

On Monday, September 18th, we will be speaking at RECOM, Recovery Connections of Maine, in Lewiston!
On October 21, from 11 - 2 p.m., we will be sharing our story and promoting the book at the ARRC, Augusta Recovery Reentry Center.
WE HAD A SUCCESSFUL EVENT ON OCTOBER 21st! Thank you to the staff who supported us, and engaged in meaningful conversation.
On November 18th, also at the ARRC, we will be holding a book-signing event

November 13th, I visited Recovery Maine, Inc. What a warm welcome and inviting conversation we had!

Shown, to my left: Alexis Leahy, LADC, Joseph Pelletier, Director, Erin St. John, Clinical Aid
November 18, 2023 at The ARRC!
Book signing event and discussion

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